FRAIMTEC – Flexible Roboterautomation & Industriemontagen Technologie GmbH was founded in 2013 by Michael Jürgen (Managing Director) and Norbert Jürgen (Authorized Signatory).
Head of Robotics / Automation
Michael Jürgen
Manager Industrial Assemblies / Steel Construction
Norbert Jürgen
Since our foundation, we have continuously expanded our competences and capacities in the business fields of plant assembly and robot programming thanks to continuing professional development of our employees in numerous advanced training courses and by attracting new specialist personnel.
In this way, we have been able to consistently maintain and expand our client base. Figures for annual sales also make this clear. The increase in which even withstood the harsh conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. (see next page)
Most recently, we established PLC programming as an independent business area, which perfectly complements existing services. FRAIMTEC GmbH currently employs 17 people.